Leadership and Ethics Topics
Collins, Jim. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t., 2001.
Cooper, Terry L. The Responsible Administrator. 5th edition, Jossey-Bass, 2006.
DePree, Max. Leadership is an Art. Reprint edition, Currency, 2004.
DePree, Max. Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community. Reprint edition, Jossey-Bass, 2003.
Firestien, Roger. Leading on the Creative Edge. Innovation Resources Inc., 2004.
Fisher, Roger and William Ury. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981.
Frank, Milo O. How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds Or Less. New York: Pocket Books,1986.
Gardner, John. On Leadership, 1993.
Greenleaf, Robert K., Larry C. Spears, and Stephen R. Covey. Servant Leadership. 2002.
Kidder, Rushworth M. How Good People Make Tough Choices. HarperCollins, 2003.
Kidder, Rushworth. Moral Courage. HarperCollins, 2006.
Lewis, Carol W. and Stuart C. Gilman. The Ethics Challenge in Public Service: A Problem-Solving Guide., 2nd edition, Jossey-Bass, 2005.
Post, Stephen. Why Good Things Happen to Good People. Random House, 2007.
Secretan, Lance. Inspirational Leadership: Destiny, Calling, and Cause. June 2003.
Secretan, Lance. Inspire! What Great Leaders Do. 2004.
Community Topics
Box, Richard. Citizen Governance : Leading American Communities Into the 21st Century. SAGE Publications, 1997.
Bryson, John. and Farnum Alston. Creating and Implementing Your Strategic Plan: A Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, 2nd edition, 2005.
Duany, Andres., Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck. Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream.
Garreau, Joel. Edge City.
Goleman, Dan. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam, 1995.
Jacobs, Jane. Death and Life of Great American Cities (Modern Library Series).
Putnam, Robert D. Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000.
Schultz, Jack. Boomtown USA: The 7-1/2 Keys to Big Success in Small Towns.
Governance Topics
Agranoff, Robert and Michael McGuire. Collaborative Public Management.
Borins, Sanford. Innovating with Integrity: How Local Heroes are Transforming American Government. Georgetown University Press.
Garvin, Alexander. The American City: What Works, What Doesn’t.
Kettl, Donald. The Transformation of Governance.
Osborne, David and Ted Gaebler. Reinventing Government.
Osborne, David and Peter Plastrik. The Reinventor’s Fieldbook: Tools for Transforming your Government.
Nonprofit Topics
Boris, Elizabeth T. and C. Eugene Steuerle, eds. Nonprofits and Government: Collaboration and Conflict. The Urban Institute, 2006.
Linden, Russell M. Working Across Boundaries : Making Collaboration Work in Government and Nonprofit Organizations. Jossey-Bass, 2002.
Pointer, Dennis D. and James E. Orlikoff. The High-Performance Board : Principles of Nonprofit Organization Governance. Jossey-Bass, 2002.
Widmer, Candace. and Susan Houchin. Art of Trusteeship: The Nonprofit Board Member’s Guide to Effective Governance. Jossey Bass Nonprofit & Public Management Series, 2001.
Governance Series books published by BoardSource (details the roles and responsibilities of board members, chief executives, and the staffs of nonprofit organizations)
Some of the titles include:
Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards by Richard T. Ingram BEST SELLER!
Financial Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards by Andrew S. Lang
Structures and Practices of Nonprofit Boards by Charles F. Dambach
Fundraising Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards by James M. Greenfield Legal Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards by Bruce R. Hopkins The Nonprofit Board’s Role in Setting and Advancing the Mission by Kay Sprinkel Grace The Nonprofit Board’s Role in Planning and Evaluation by John A. Yankey and Amy McClellan How to Help Your Board Govern More and Manage Less by Richard P. Chait
Leadership Roles in Nonprofit Governance by Robert L. Gale